Paul Vanouse: Info, Contact | INTRO | ARTWORK | WRITING | CURATING | INFO |
Paul Vanouse Artist SUNY Distinguished Professor Director of Coalesce Center for Biological Art Director of Emerging Practices concentration Department of Art University at Buffalo. Mailing address: University at Buffalo Department of Art 202 Center for the Arts Buffalo, NY 14260-6010 U.S.A. |
![]() photo: Doug LeVere |
Paul Vanouse full bio (PDF). Recent and upcoming public activities: Nov. 8, 2024 Panel Discussion: Material (Mis)Identities: Art, Genes and Ethics, ELSI Friday Forum, Columbia University, NY. Oct. 20-25 Artist in residence, Salem Community College School of Glass, Carney Point, NJ. Sept. 11, 2024 Artist talk, Art, Culture and Technology program, MIT, Cambridge, MA. Aug 1-20, 2024 Artist in Residence, Cultivamos Cultura, Sao Luis, Portugal. July 20-22, 2024 Interdisciplinary Scientific Glass Instruments, The American Scientific Glassblowers Annual Symposium, Salem Community College, Carney Point, NJ. Apr. 12, 2024 Book Launch with Paul Vanouse, Difference, Sameness and DNA, Fitz Books & Waffles, Buffalo, NY. Mar. 1, 2024 Lecture Difference, Sameness and …, School for the Future of Innovation in Society, Arizona State University, AZ. Feb. 21, 2024 Lecture, Difference, Sameness and DNA, Instituto del Teatro, Barcelona, Spain. October 16, 2023 Difference Machines: Technology and Identity in Contemporary Art. Traveling exhibition. Wrightwood 659, Chicago, Illinois. Sept. 29, 2023 Revisiting the Relative Velocity Inscription Device, panel presentation, Association for Post Colonial Thought, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. July 15 2023 Topologies of the Real: Techne Shenzhen 2023, Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art, China. July 7, 2023 Difference Machines: Technology and Identity in Contemporary Art. Traveling exhibition. Gray Area Foundation for the Arts, San Francisco, CA. June 23-30 Artist in Residence, Pilchuck Glass School, Stanfield, WA. Apr. 14, Labor: The Post-Anthropocentric Body at Work, lecture, Microperformativity symposium, Le Générateur, Paris, France. Jan. 28, 2023 Difference Machines: Technology and Identity in Contemporary Art. Traveling exhibition. Beall Center for Art and Technology, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA. Oct. 21, 2022, Labor, Fiendish Plots, Lincoln, NE. (Solo Exhibition) Oct. 21, 2022, Artist in Residence lecture, Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts, University of Nebraska. Sept. 16, 2022 Cornell Biennial, Futurities, Uncertain, Cornell, University, Ithaca, NY. May 1, 2022 Award for Excellence, “Difference Machines”, Co-curators: Tina Rivers Ryan and Paul Vanouse, Best Exhibition with up to $10 Million Operating Budget, Association of Art Museum Curators, New York, NY. Apr. 24, 2022 Gaia: Gene, algorithm, intelligent design, automata, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan. Dec. 15, 2021 Fictional Life: Hybridity, Transgenetics, Innovation, Contemporary Culture Lab, Taipei, Taiwan. August 25, 2021 Winner,
Art and Science, Falling Walls Foundation,
Berlin, Germany. Curated by Tina Rivers Ryan and Paul Vanouse, Difference Machines addresses the complex relationship between the technologies we use and the identities we inhabit. The exhibition presents the work of seventeen contemporary artists who ask some of the most urgent questions we face today: How is technology changing the way we see ourselves, and each other? In what ways does it contribute to-or allow us to resist-prejudice and systemic forms of oppression? What role should it have in our lives and in our communities? June 10, 2021 Ancestral Echoes: A Decade of Bio Art, SVA Gramercy Gallery, New York, NY. June 3, 2021 Interface, Lillian Bradshaw Art Gallery, J. Erik Jonsson Public Library, Dallas, Texas. Nov. 15, 2021 Holobiont. Live Is Other, Magazin 4, Bregenz, Austria. Feb. 15, 2020 The Measure of Chaos, A. S. Popov Central Museum of Communications, St. Petersburg, Russia. Oct. 17, 2019 Art in the Age of Biotechnology, Gregg Museum of Art, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Sept. 6, 2019 CyberArts 2019, Prix Ars Electronica, O.K. Center, Linz, Austria. Sept. 5, 2019 Award Ceremony, Prix Ars Electronica, O.K. Center, Linz, Austria. May 31, 2019 Art Stands Still, Collarworks Gallery, Troy, NY. May 22, 2019 Prix Ars Electronica, Golden Nica, Labor, Artificial Intelligence and Life Art, Linz, Austria. Jan. 11,
2019 Labor, Burchfield
Penny Art Center, Buffalo, NY. (Solo
exhibition). Dec. 1, 2017. Keynote Lecture, Artificial Lives, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. Nov. 16-17, 2017. Microbial Aesthetics Symposium (organizer), University at Buffalo, NY. Sept. 9, 2017. Artist talk, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria. Sept. 7, 2017. CyberArts Exhibition Opening, Prix Ars Electronica, O.K. Center, Linz, Austria. Sept. 1, 2017. FACT, exhibition opening, Mute Art Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal. June 24-July 3, 2017. Artist in Residence, Cultivamos Cultura, São Luis, Portugal. April 10, 2017. Lecture/workshop, The future of art and genetic engineering, Art's Work in the Age of Biotechnology: Shaping Our Genetic Futures, North Carolina State University, NC. Mar. 29, 2017. Consensual Fantasy Engine and Terminal Time, Michelson Theater, New York University, NY. Mar. 1, 2017. Artist Talk, Hallwalls Contemporary Art Center, Buffalo, NY. Feb. 17, 2017. The America Project, panelist: Art and Biology, College Art Association, New York, NY. Jan. 18, 2017. Artist Talk, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Oct. 20, 2016. The America Project, Esther Klein Gallery, Philadelphia, PA. (Solo). Oct. 10, 2016. Data (after)Lives, University Art Gallery, University of Pittsburgh, PA. Oct. 2, 2016. Natural Philosophy, Martin Art Gallery, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA. June 20, 2016. PED.Toronto, Koffler Gallery, Toronto, Canada. June 15, 2016. Keynote lecture, Experimenting with Authority, Society for Literature, Science and Art, Stockholm, Sweden. May 28, 2016. Keynote lecture, Experimenting with DNA, Contagious Bodies: Network Politics Seminar Series, DECOL Coop./New Media Lab, Istanbul. May 27, 2016. Invited lecture, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. May 20-21, 2016. Click Festival, Helsingor, Denmark. Latent Figure Protocol performances. April 29, 2016. Opening Speaker, Switching Lenses, Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, Ithaca, NY. April 23, 2016. Opening reception, Coalesce Center for Biological Art, University at Buffalo. April 18, 2016. Plenary lecture, Media as Matter, Signal to Code: 50 Years of Media Art in the Rose Goldsen Archive, Cornell University, NY. April 18, 2016. Signal to Code, opening, Hirshland Exhibition Gallery, Cornell University, NY. Jan. 15, 2016. Interview, Clot Magazine, London. Dec. 11, 2015. Keynote lecture: Complicating Things, Posthuman Aesthetics Conference, Aarhus University, Denmark. Nov. 17, 2015 Consensual Fantasy and the History You Deserve, lecture, Department of Cinema Studies, NYU, NY. Nov. 16-17, 2015. Personal Microbiome workshop and artist lecture, School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Oct. 30, 2015 Exo-Evolution , exhibition opening, ZKM, Karlsrhue, Germany. Sept. 17, 2015 Sameness and Difference, lecture, Grinnell University, Iowa. Apr. 20-21, 2015 Molecular Biology in Reverse Workshop, Utah State University. Apr. 17, 2015 Lecture, Department of Art, Utah State University. Apr. 10, 2015 Opening of SO3: Three Significant Others, L'espace Multimedia, Bourgogne, France (through June 2015). Mar. 18, 2015 Opening of ART sySTEM: The Changing Climate of the Arts and Sciences, Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art, Utah State University (through August 2015). Feb. 7, 2015 Art and DNA Technologies, 1-4 PM, Lecture and panel. Stavanger Kunstmuseum. Stavanger, Norway. Feb. 6, 2015 Article Biennial opening, including Latent Figure Protocol and Suspect Inversion Center performances. Stavanger Kunstmuseum. Stavanger, Norway. on Facebook. Nov 14-23, 2014 Ocular Revision at the Digital Taipai Festival, Taipai, Taiwan. Oct 23-25, 2014 Workshop, Suspect Inversion Workshop: BioInformatics and PCR Hacks, Genspace, Brooklyn, NY. Oct 24, 2014 Lecture, Difference and Sameness, Genspace, Brooklyn, NY. June 16, 2014 Evidence, Anthropocene: Regards Croises, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France. May 23-27, 2014 Making Life Workshop, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland. May 21, 2014 Artist Lecture, Finish Bioart Society, The House of Science and Letters, Kirkkokatu 6, Kruunuhaka, Helsinki, Finland. May 16-20, 2014 Workshop: Identity, Algorithm and The Polymerase Chain Reaction in the Sauna, Biofilia, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland. April-June, 2014, Visiting Professor, Biofilia: Base for Biological Arts, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland. April-June, 2014, Artist in Residence, HIAP, Helsinki, Finland. Mar 26, 2014 Lecture, DNA as subject, material and medium, Thematic Research School "advances in Systems & Synthetic Biology", Evry, France. Mar 5, 2014 Keynote Lecture, Imag(in)ing Human Difference, ARTHattack!, University of Guelph, Canada. Feb 15-28, 2014 Inaugural Artist in Residence, Genspace, Brooklyn, NY. Oct 19-21, 2013 North Troy Suspect Inversion Center workshop, Center for Independent Media, Troy, NY. Oct 11, 2013 Conversational panel with Rebecca Belmore and Walter Mignolo, Decolonial Aesthetics conference, University of Toronto, Canada. Sept 19-28, 2013 Ocular Revision at Transito Festival, Mexico City, Mexico. Sept. 10-Oct. 24, 2013 Signs of Existence: Biotech Art, Amelie A. Wallace Gallery, SUNY Old Westerbury, NY. Sept. 5-9, 2013 Suspect Inversion Center at ARS Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria. May 1, 2013 Artist talk, Department of Art, Rensselaer Polytechnic, Troy, NY. Mar. 18, 2013 Lecture, DNA as material and medium, Bacterial Networks, Polonia Castle, Pultusk, Poland. Mar. 14, 2013 Performance and Lecture, Beall Center, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA. Feb. 19, 2013 Artist brings DNA processing to life on gallery walls, interview by Carolina A. Miranda, KCRW public radio, Los Angeles. Feb. 7 - May 5, 2013 Evidence..., solo exhibition, Beall Center, UC Irvine, Irvine, CA. Feb. 1, 2013 Forensics: Representations and Regimes of Truth, Vincent Lavoie, Ciel Variable 93, Montreal, Canada. 10/16-18/12 Artist Workshop, Discovering Nature Apparently, VIDA 13.2, Madrid, Spain. 9/25-29/12 Peoples PCR, Residency / Exhibition / Lecture, NeoRio: Confluence of Art and Environments, ISEA 2012, Questo, NM. 7/24/12 Artist Lecture, Society for Genetics and Society, Terrytown Meetings, Terrytown, NY. 5/8/12 VIDA 1999-2012, Fundacion Telefonica, Madrid, Spain. (on view through Jan 2013). 3/13/12 Artist Lecture, Digital Capital conference, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 3/1/12 Fingerprints... opening, Muffathalle, Munich, Germany. Large solo exhibition of several Vanouse biological artworks. 2/15-19/12 ARCO, Ocular Revision, VIDA booth, Madrid, Spain. 2/8/12 Lecture, Science and Art Cabaret, Ninth Ward at Babeville, Buffalo, NY. 10/31/11 Austrian TV premiere, BioArt - Kunst aus dem Labor, "Artgenossen" am 31.10.2011 ORF 2. Buch & Regie Robert Styblo. Hierzu wurden Interviews geführt mit Bioart Künstlern wie Paul Vanouse, Joe Davis, Stelarc, Orlan, Art Oriente, Jun Takita und Sonja Bäumel, zu zudem kommen einige Expertinnen zu Wort (Kunstgeschichte und Technikphilosophie) um eine Einschätzung dieser Kunstrichtung zu geben. 10/24/11 Ocular Revision wins second Prize at VIDA 13.2, the International Competition on Art and Artificial Life , Madrid. 9/24/11 Opening, Ocular Revision, solo exhibition, Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 9/23/11 Artist workshop, Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 9/17/11 Two Panel talks: VIDA, BioARTCAMP. International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), Istanbul, Turkey. 7/16-31/11 Residency, Artist talk, BioARTCAMP Conference, Banff Centre, Alberta, Canada. 5/14/11 Synth-ethic, Latent Figure Protocol lightboxes, Museum of Natural History, Vienna, Austria. 3/24/11 Book launch, Fingerprints..., Schering Foundation, Berlin, Germany. 3/4/11 Artist talk, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY. 2/24/11 Visceral, performance, Science Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. 2/18/11 Surveyor, Ocular Revision, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY. 2/05/11 Visceral, Latent Figure Protocol, Science Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. 2/04/11 Artist lecture, Fingerprints... conference, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany. 2/01/11 Transmediale, Latent Figure Protocol, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany. 1/28/11 Fingerprints..., Schering Foundation, Berlin, Germany. Large solo exhibition of several Vanouse biological artworks: Premiere of Suspect Inversion Center, also Relative Velocity Inscription Device and Latent Figure Protocol lightboxes. 11/12/10 Keynote Lecture, Biopolitics and Activist Media Conference, Innsbruck University, Austria. 10/22/10 ACADIA 2010 Exhibition, documents from Latent Figure Protocol , Cooper Union, New York, NY. 10/16/10 Lecture, "The Post-Biological Turn", Biotopia Conference, Utzon Centre, Aalborg, Denmark. 10/15/10 Opening, Biotopia: Art in the Wet Zone, Ocular Revision, Utzon Centre, Aalborg, Denmark. 9/11/10 Mediations Biennale, Relative Velocity Inscription Device, National Museum, Posnan, Poland. 9/3/10 ARS Electronica, Prix Forum Hybrid Art, Jens Hauser, Stelarc, Paul Vanouse. Tabakfabrik, Linz, Austria. 9/2/10 Cyberarts opening, ARS Electronica Festival, Ocular Revision, Linz, Austria. 6/17/10 Transbiotics Lecture, Paul Vanouse, Jens Hauser, Zane Berzina, at Spikeri Museum of Contemporary Art, Riga, Latvia. 6/14/10 Opening, RVID & LFP, TRANSBIOTICS. Temporal stability points, Spikeri Museum of Contemporary Art, Riga, Latvia. 5/15/10 Ocular Revision, receives Award of Distinction at Prix ARS Electronica, Hybrid Arts. 5/14-15/10 Lecture, Human Rights and the New Sciences: A Symposium, University of Chicago, IL. 4/7/10 Lecture, School of the Arts, University of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 4/5-14/10 Expert panelist, National Academy of Sciences, Virtual Symposium on Culture and Evolution, Washington, DC. 4/5-30/10 NYFA Currents, Objects of Influence, online photo-essay. |